1  2023 

Gm case 2
 Case scenario.....
Hi, this is S.Supriya , IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.
 CASE SHEET: 75 years old female suffering from fever 
 Chief complaint:fever from 3 days (intermittent fever )
Cough: suddenly (sputum :thick ,normal colour )
Cold :no 
History of present illness: 
She is suffering from fever last 3days 
Less urine output during fever and abdominal pain ( at middle of abdominal)
Vomiting: food particles 
History of past illness : 
He is suffering from asthma since 10 years and use of asthma machine 
Not a known case of hypertension,diabetics,TB epilepsy 
Personal history: 
Appetite: less appetite 
Diet : mixed 
Sleep : no 
Bowel and bladder movement:  irregular
Micturation : less 
Urine : pale yellow 
Allergies : nill 
Family history: 
Not significant
General examination: 
Person is normal 
Pallor: no   
Cyanosis : no 
Clubbing : no 
Lymphedenopathy: no 
Edema : no 
Vitals : 
Blood pressure:150/90mm of hg 
Spo2 : 98%
Temperature: 98.6°c/f  
Systemic examination: 
Cardiovascular examination:
Cardiac sounds : S1,S2 heard 
Cardiac murmurs: no  
Question from patients: 
What is the reason for less urine out put ? 
is there any problem in kidney ? 

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