Case scenario
Hi,this is S.Supriya ,3rd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patient health data after taking his consent .this also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio

                                 CASE  HISTORY
Patient details :
A 74 years old male resident of Devarakonda with swelling of stomach 
Chief complaint : 
Abdominal distension ,
Shortness of breath 
Decrease in urine out put 
History of present illness: 
Decrease in urine out put since 2 days 
Pedal edema  
Loss of appetite 4 days
No history of fever 
No nausea 
No vomiting 
History of past illness : 
No Diabetes 
No asthma 
No TB  
No hypertension 
Personal history :
Appetite: loss of appetite
Diet : vegetarian since 3years
Bowel and bladder movement : irregular 
Micturation : irregular 
Allergic: nill 
Sleep adequate
Family history :
 No significant compliance 
General examination : 
Pallor: slightly present 
Cynasis :no 
Clubbing: no
Lymphedenopathy : no 
Edema: no 
Vitals : 
Temprature: 100c/f  
Pulse :120bpm/min 
Respiraton : 20 per minute 
Blood pressure: 130/80 mm of hg 
Sp02: 98%
Systemic examination :  
Cardiac vascular examination : 
Cardiac sounds : s1 ,s2 heard 
Cardiac murmurs: no  
Question from patients : 
How long it takes to cure ?
Is there any kidney infection?
Is there any Gastric problem?

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